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Colloquium on Education and the Urban in India since the Nineteenth Century

This virtual colloquium was organised by the ‘Education and the Urban’ Research Group of Max Weber Stiftung India Branch Office (MWS IBO)
24-25 September 2020

Convenors: Indra Sengupta (MWS IBO & German Historical Institute London), Debarati Bagchi (MWS IBO), Yamini Agarwal (MWS IBO)
Speakers: Akash Bhattacharya (Azim Premji University, Bengaluru), Nandini Manjrekar (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai), Debarati Bagchi (MWS IBO), Geetha Nambissan (Former Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), Yamini Agarwal (MWS IBO) and Shivali Tukdeo (National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru)

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mwfdelhi (September 24, 2020). Colloquium on Education and the Urban in India since the Nineteenth Century. Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies (MWF Delhi). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

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