Sebastian Schwecke, MWF Delhi
Sebastian Schwecke, MWF Delhi
3. Controlling the Curricula: Textbook Regulation in India, 1870s – 2000s
Debarati Bagchi, MWF Delhi
4. Revisiting the Craft of History Writing for Children (Collaborative Project)
Debarati Bagchi, MWF Delhi
5. Gender, Education, and Covid-19: Impact of the Pandemic in a Marginalized Neighbourhood in Delhi
Yamini Agarwal, MWF Delhi
Samprati Pani, MWF Delhi
7. Ephemeral Finance: Nidhis in Early Twentieth Century Southern India
Poorva Rajaram, MWF Delhi
8. Dilemmas of Scientific Agriculture in South Asia (1890–1950)
Sujeet George, MWF Delhi
Sujeet George, MWF Delhi
10. Retrieving Past Lives from Jamia – Tazkirah-e Jamia
Dr. Laurence Gautier, Centre de Sciences Humaines, Delhi
Soheb Niazi, MWF Delhi
Prof. Dr. Margrit Pernau, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin